Head of the Student Union

Anton Shevchuk

Candidate of Economic Sciences

Phone: 0(352)47-50-79

Email: Profkom_stud@wunu.edu.ua


Student Union

  The primary student union is a voluntary non-profit public organization of university students, the purpose of which is to represent, exercise and protect the educational, socio-economic rights and interests of its members. Any full-time university student who recognizes the Charter of the Union of Education and Science Workers of Ukraine can become a member of the student union.

  At each Faculty or Institute of the university, there is a student union bureau of students, the staff of which is elected at the reporting and election conferences of the Faculties. The student union of students consists of the Chairman of the student union, the Deputy Chair, the Chairmen of the student union bureaus of Faculties or Institutes, and their deputies.


  The student union promotes the education of students, creates the necessary conditions for living and recreation, takes care of health, cooperates with student organizations of other higher education institutions and youth organizations, participates in the organization of student leisure.

  The work of the primary student union of WUNU on socio-economic protection of the rights and interests of students is determined by the main areas of work:

  1. Making proposals to the university administration on improving living conditions, recreation, health care, rehabilitation, and development of student government.

  2. Controlling the correctness of accrual of scholarships and other payments to students.

  3. Collaborating with the university administration on:

     - assigning housing in dormitories;

     - contributing to the development of educational, research, exploratory, creative, intellectual, cultural and educational, sports and other activities of students;

     - deciding the distribution of the scholarship fund, special assistance fund, and student incentives.

  The effectiveness of the student union is ensured by four Commissions within the Student Union: Commission for Public Control and Life, Health and Sports Commission, Information Support Commission, and Cultural and mass commission.


  Commission for Public Control and Life

The members of this Commission consider questions concerning the food establishments at university and improvement of their activity. The Commission organizes systematic supervision over the work of canteens and cafeterias, considers results food establishments audit on various questions, and periodically monitors the living conditions in dormitories, repair work in dormitories, etc.


  Commission for Health and Sports 

The Commission assists in holding open championships of the university in volleyball, table tennis, chess, basketball, football and other sports. It promotes the participation of WUNU students in various sports events of the city, events which are held at inter-university levels. The Commission also assists in conducting intra-university sports games, sports contests and determines the winners among students.


  Commission for Information Support 

This Commission prepares and disseminates information related to the activities of the student union. It systematically analyzes trends in the student environment, studies student requests and prepares information for university stands.


  Commission for Culture and Entertainment

This Commission assists in conducting cultural events taking place at the university and supports creative youth initiative of students, for example "Student Lyre" competition among freshmen. It co-organizes the competitions "Student Beauty", "Student of the Year", KVN, Student Ball, student song festival-competition "Inspired by Art", and others. The Commission promotes student visits to T. Shevchenko Ternopil Regional Academic Drama Theater, Ternopil Philharmonic, art exhibitions, and trips and sightseeing excursions in Ternopil and around Ukraine. It helps to prepare talented students to participate in interuniversity creative competitions and assists in holding charity concerts.


  Considerable attention is paid to the social protection of orphaned students and those deprived of parental care. Every year orphans and students deprived of parental care receive gifts from the student union for St. Nicholas Day. Considerable attention is also paid to students with disabilities. Prior to the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, financial assistance is provided to each student with disabilities in the amount of UAH 150. Student union members have the opportunity to receive one-time financial assistance once a calendar year.

  In recent years, there has been a regular screening of films in all student dormitories of the university with the support of the student union. Each semester, students attend a theater or a movie theater. They can get free tickets from the head of the student union bureau of their faculty. Young people have the opportunity to travel through the territory of Ukraine once a semester at the expense of the student union. The student union of WUNU has signed a joint agreement with the Ternopil driving school, where you can study on preferential terms.

  WUNU student union is the main regional office for the production of ISIC student international cards. The ISIC International Student Card is the only one officially recognized in more than 110 countries around the world.


  Protecting the interests of students, WUNU student union effectively interacts with the university administration, regional student unions, local authorities, NGOs, develops social partnership as a legal form of finding reasonable compromises and agreements. This is evidenced by the participation of the chairman and deputy chairman, as well as all members of the student union in meetings, round tables and protests organized by student unions at both regional and national levels.

  The chairman of the student union is a member of APOS of Ukraine, where he takes an active part in meetings and seminars. He is also a member of the working group of the project "Ternopil - student capital of Ukraine", where he represents the youth of the university.