» » Geetings to Partners and Students from the People's Republic of China on National Day!

Geetings to Partners and Students from the People's Republic of China on National Day!

Дата: 1-10-2019, 15:34 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 The University community sincerely congratulates students and partners from the People's Republic of China on National Day of their Country.

Within 70 years, the People's Republic of China has undergone a remarkable and grand path of development and achieved the significant results that have surprised the entire world. These peaks were achieved through the continued efforts and hard work of the Chinese people. In close collaboration with the students and partners we will continue to work on strengthening of the Ukrainian-Chinese relationsships and implement successful projects and programs together! We wish the prosperity of the People's Republic of China and the happiness and unity to the Chinese people!